Inside The Lab
In the lab, the atmosphere wasn’t looking very good because of the fact there was no progress. Though they were making efforts, there was nothing concrete on which they can say that the research was going well. The problem was that this object was very new for the archeologists as they had never seen anything like this before. There was no information or any sources on which they can rely on. All they had was this mysterious 6-inch big object which was literally alien to them. But then, one team found out something…
The Old Legend
The team which was responsible for finding out the information about the object were taken aback by an old legend which stated that in ancient times there was a huge monster which was around 100 feet in length and surprisingly, there were many who even saw this huge monster. If going by the legend, then this object could belong to this legendary monster. So, does it mean, the monster was still there inside the waters? Would you believe in this old legend? No, right? But the team did. This could be seen as one of their desperate moves.
Going All In
After hearing the legend the team was ready to dive into the waters to see what lies in the depth of the ocean. But before that, they needed a good strategy as the sea was huge and to cover the whole area was almost impossible. What do you do when you want to solve a problem? You start with zero. The team planned out a map and marked some locations where they thought could find some answers. Though it seemed easy, in reality, it wasn’t.
The Divers
The team contacted some local divers and asked them if they were up for a search inside the ocean. The divers had some pretty good knowledge about the local waters and happily agreed. The next the divers were shown the marked locations where they were asked to dive in to find any clues about the legend monster or anything related to the object. Even the divers were shown the image of the object and they were shocked to see it. But then, their job was to search the waters and they did search for it. What did they find out?
Finished The Search
The divers reached the marked locations and the search went for hours, but sadly, there was nothing they were able to find. All the investigation seemed like a waste of time and the team even thought of abandoning the research. They almost gave up and decided to give the object back to Denny who was looking forward to getting some answer about his find. But then, there was nothing the team could do. When they thought of quitting the investigation Cynthia stumbled upon a new piece of information while she was reading about the ancient animals. And there it was. Everything became clear and the mystery was finally solved.
At Last, They Found Out
When Cynthia was reading about the ancient animals that swam the same waters where Denny found the object she was surprised when she read about Megalodon. “Megalodon was this large, humongous shark that roamed the ancient seaways during the Miocene-Pliocene time—mainly mid-Miocene to Pliocene—which was about 15 million to five million years ago,” said Cynthia. Wow!