Called For Help

Craig immediately called for help. His friend was working in the lane right next to his, helped him in getting out the babies. They were small enough that they were not even opening their eyes. Seeing at their condition,there were only two things going on Craig’s mind…

Two Options

Craig was thinking if someone abandoned these pups in the mattress knowing that it was the cleanup day and someone would eventually find and give them proper care. Or there was another possibility that these pups were born to a stray female dog who left them and moved on. Whatever must be the reason behind it, he just couldn’t leave the puppies behind. Craig was left with only one option.

Take Over

Craig took the babies and asked his friends to cover up his part of the work as well. Then he called Beccie, his friend and before taking them to the vet they found a fine cardboard box and covered its bottom with a soft blanket. But the blanket won’t be enough as the pups were shivering.

Hot Water

In order to keep the pups warm, Beccie brought a hot water bottle so that the just borns’ condition didn’t deteriorate on the way to the vet. At the vet’s clinic, they waited for their number to be called and tried all that they could to keep the babes warm. Finally, when they took the babies for a checkup, things started to turn weird.

The Vet

Luckily, the vet took the pups to someone who was also a member of an animal rescue center. He told them that their eyes were still closed which meant they won’t be able to survive on their own. The pups will be taken cared for properly until they find forever homes. They needed special observation, also, there was a requirement to feed them every few hours. A lot has to be done to save their lives.

Pup Replacement Milk

As these babies didn’t have motherly care, chances of their survival seemed thin. Yet, the vet did everything to save their lives. He fed them the puppy replacement milk at least 5 to 6 times a day to grow healthy.