Long Queue
There was a long queue at the bank but that wasn’t going to make any difference. These little obstacles will not make any change in his high energetic mood. Such days are rare in most of our lives these days. And when one such day was finally here, Rob was not going to allow any bank queue to lower his high spirits.
Perfect Gentleman
While walking through the stairs, Rob noticed a woman who seemed to be in a hurry. Rob, like a gentleman, opened the door for her and waited. At times, how extremely happy can these small gestures make one feel, right? The lady said thank you as she walked inside the bank and Rob replied with a smile and welcome.
In No Hurry
As the woman noticed that Rob was heading towards the same queue, she honestly stood behind him. Rob on the other hand once again showed another kind gesture of offering the stranger lady his place in the queue. Now, she was surprised by this overwhelming behavior and Rob understood it. Her expressions said it for her that she wanted to know the reason behind this generosity.
Small Talk
“By all means go in front of me. Today my son graduates,” recalled Rob. He went on explaining the reason for his awesome mood to Rob by saying, “I’m slowing down and want to savor every minute.” Everything immediately started to make sense as the woman too was a parent and could relate to Rob’s excitement.
All Ears On Him
Rob was speaking in a high tone which meant everyone standing behind could hear him clearly. But it didn’t sound odd as the place was quite noisy and one has to speak a bit loudly to be audible. Little did Rob know that someone was listening to him attentively and was about to act upon what this stranger just heard.
Passing Time
The lady understood what he was talking about and they started to laugh. As the line was long, the two started to talk and shared bits and pieces of information about their families. Rob, as always had this proud voice while talking about his son, Cole and daughter Taylor. The woman’s kids were younger than Rob’s kids and seeing how excited he was made the woman realize that soon one day even she will feel exactly the same way.