A New Life
The duo had made a strong connection with each other during the journey. This is why David adopted her after returning back to land. She was christened Negrita and she followed her new buddy all around the boat. The people who witnessed the sight got overwhelmed by the cuteness of the dog who would roam around David with her tail wagging. But that was not the end……
Finding A Friend
David too liked his new accompanier. They became best buddies in no time. David must have never imagined in his wildest dream that he would get a friend while touring in this one of the most dangerous places.
Happy To Help
Everyone around them rejoiced at their beautiful and unique friendship. All of them were amazed by the extent the man was going to protect the vulnerable dog. It came as an inspiration for all of them and for those who heard it later on.
The Journey Begins
David Foster not only fed the dog but nursed her injuries too. The canine had some bruises on her body that would have gone worse had it not been treated in time. Luckily, David knew how to tend to her wounds and dressed them properly.
Healthy Food
This way two days passed by. It would not be wrong to say that Negrita was recuperating rapidly under the care of David. Soon she became friendly with all the people on the boat and started playing around.
Travel Companion
The dog too had become an adventurer just like David Foster. Unlike many dogs who are terrified of boarding on a boat, she boarded it with confidence. In fact, she liked being on a boat. She turned out to be a perfect travel companion for David.