While Reading Newspaper
Jurrjens too turned out to be a Dutch. However, she had relocated to Canada in 2004. The woman came across these pictures while reading a Dutch newspaper. the woman was all surprised when she saw the pictures of her grandfather Theo J. Lammers, grandmother Elisabeth Lammers-Berveling, and aunt Thea Lammers. She immediately contacted van Oers.
Man In Picture
Photographer van Oers sort of had already deducted that the camera was of the man in the picture. He was absolutely right. The camera was indeed of Lammers, Jurrjens’ grandfather. He was an architect by profession and had to use photography instruments in his work. One point to note here is that camera in those days were an expensive deal. Despite that, he brought the camera with himself on vacation to capture the moments.
Surprised Jurrjens
It was a big surprise for Jurrjens too who had not expected that she would find these pictures of her family from a stranger. She explained, “When I saw the pictures in the paper I felt that it was really special that the pictures were of them.” Though she was happy that she got these pictures she still wondered how these pictures went out of their house.
Recognizing Him
Jurrjens opened up, “I began to wonder how the camera came to the thrift shop as my aunt was a hoarder and normally refused to get rid of things. When [she] died in 2003 I emptied her apartment and collected 10 photo albums that belonged to my grandparents and took them to Canada with me. So I instantly recognized them.”
Collection Of Pictures
On being asked what kind of person her grandfather was she started speaking very highly of him. She called him an achiever. She further stated, “My grandfather was also meticulous in everything and wrote the date and place in white ink on the photo itself. Himself, my grandma and auntie traveled extensively and documented all their travels, so I have plenty of pictures of them.”
Happy And Amazed
Jurrjens just like her grandfather never missed out on making and saving memories and this is why she was extremely happy when she learned about the discovery of these pictures. She said, “I love all of the pictures and I would like to keep them all together as that is how they are meant to be. My house is already rather full, since my grandfather was also a painter. But I hope I can find a spot to put them on the wall so I can remember this whole event.”