First Done
Oers did not take long to find out about the technology. The first barrier of the mission as achieved. Surprisingly, it took him only half an hour to figure out the location. Oers said, “We thought it would take a lot of effort to find out the location. But that was done in half an hour.
It was nothing short of a treasure hunt for van Oers. The photographer said, “Looking at the images, I feel I stumbled across a small treasure-chest – or time capsule – giving us a tiny glimpse into the past. It really makes me want to find out who the people in the pictures are.”
Who Owns This
No need to say that van Oers was very excited about searching the owner of these photographs but the doubts were still on. As the pictures were many decades old what if the owner would have died already.
Mystery Photographer
However, he hoped that he would be able to find the owners. “Hopefully, one day, I will be able to hand over these negatives to the descendants of this mystery photographer.”
Contacting Photographer
It seemed that even destiny wanted him to get to the owners. A few days after sharing the pictures on Facebook, a person named Marion Jurrjens reached the photographer. The woman happened to be a relative of the photo’s owner. She is the granddaughter of the person in pictures. She went on to say that these pictures were taken when the man took his better half and daughter on a tour to Biarritz.
Still Unsure
The man was still not sure whether the woman was speaking the truth or not. He opened up, “After I had developed the photographs my one wish was to find the descendants of the people in the pictures and send them the negatives and camera. Three days after the story went viral, I got a message from [Jurrjens].”