Every individual was concerned about this pup’s health. Though they gave them the name “Bobby”, they could not give him what he badly needed. Bobby needed a mother’s milk and her warmth. Finally, a way could be figured out to help this pup who stole every heart at the society.
Foster Mother
The pup needed a foster mom immediately who could look after him and provide him with the needed warmth. As the dog wasn’t responding well to human care, it was the only way to help him out. Yet, there was another problem. From where will one find a nursing dog?
Nursing Cat
Though the Humane Society shelter a lot many cats and dogs, there were dogs there, but not even a single one was a nursing dog. Then the members are recalled of Gwen-the nursing cat. However, they weren’t sure about the consequences that might follow after looking at the cat’s tactics these days.
Hope In Hopeless
Somewhere the volunteers at the society were scared at this thought. There was a very rare chance that Gwen would accept Bobby and would nurse him. After all, she was a cat and Bobby- a puppy. However, the only thing they gave them hope in the hopeless situation was the pup’s size. How?
Similar Maybe
Bobby was equally small in size as the kittens. His facial features were the only thing that was different from the other kittens. So this gave them a slim chance to try the hands with Gwen and try to save the life of this pup. How will the cat react?
Angry Kitty
Gwen’s attitude and behavior were not hidden from anyone. In her post-pregnancy stage, she grew a little ferocious. She never let anyone near her kittens and none knew what will be her next move on finding a puppy amongst her litter of kittens. And what happened next was totally unbelievable.