Happening In Alabama
This is called the “Bama Boom,” where odd sounds rocked the locals all over the state that night in 2017. The sound was so haunting that it lead to the whole community to panic. The National Weather Service in Birmingham had also reported that there was not a single sign of fire or smoke nor was any earthquake detected. The reason for the sounds still remains a mystery.
Incident In The Outback
In the previous year, there was an incident in South Australia that made everyone wake up on a starry night sky. These booming sound took place for just a few minutes but the force was enough to break windows and leave the houses shaking. And obviously, the National Weather Service that showed that there was no indication that an earthquake took place.
Echoes In The Middle East
Also, all the way back in 2016, weird noises had been recorded that allegedly came from skies of the Middle East from Iran all the way to Egypt. There were several people who had managed to record these sounds on their phones. These videos are in fact quite chilling. However, is there was a chance that the reason for these could not be born from logic and reason?
God’s Final Judgment?
There is yet another explanation regarding the sounds that were bursting that night in Denver. It is a religious attempt to explain what happened and refer to the book of Revelation. There are some who believe that this was a sign that the world is coming to an end that Jesus will soon rapture Christians to Heaven and reign down hell on Earth. We hope this does not happen yet as it would be such a doom too many.
The Mystery Does Not Stop
There is a chance that we may never get to know about the real reason why those odd sounds blasted that night in Colorado. Even if someone has the answer, they are keeping their mouths shut about this whole situation. This applies to the other booms all over the world as well. All these theories could be wrong as it could have just been aliens howling all along…