Military Jets Perhaps?
One other plausible explanation came out soon. This other theory that attempted to explain where the sounds that evening in Colorado came from. The sounds were allegedly caused by military jets that had broken the sound barrier. This theory was quite logical as jets do tend to break the sound barrier, creating shock waves that are similar to explosions. Could this be true?
The Buckley Air Force Base
This was yet another theory that was debunked. The nearest area where the sounds could originate from was the Buckley Air Force Base but the base gave a reason to disprove the theory. They confirmed that none of their jets were out after 8:00 PM that evening. There was no way these loud booms could have come from there. Was it possible that these booms all over were caused by various different reasons?
Other Cases Of Booms
There was one more reasoning that made some sense. It was that these sounds were caused by supersonic flight. One incident happened in Central Florida that was a result of a returning NASA mission to the Kennedy Space Center. This is another explanation for what happened that night in Colorado. Something of this nature must have happened that evening.
What About An Earthquake?
Chris Spears was not done with his own research regarding the mysterious sounds in Denver. He was still looking for answers. He then questioned if an earthquake could have been the culprit that night. But sadly, the United States Geological Survey dismissed this theory right away because the only sound that came from the Rocky Mountain Arsenal happened to be from a train.
A Sky Fireball
The people in Denver were still left unsure of what made the sounds that night. But as days passed on, they began to collect some more information. One person claimed to have seen a fireball in the sky the night the loud sounds came from the sky. However, this could not have been the reason as the timing of when he spotted the fireball happened two and a half hours after there were reports about the mysterious sounds.
Across The World
There were various reasons that seemed meaningful but were ultimately disproved. Even though the tank theory seemed likely to have caused the sounds in Denver, there is no chance that the other incidents all over the world could have been caused because of tank explosions. Well, maybe these happenings were not related at all. Or could it have happened due to an otherworldly reason…