Spooky Feet
After she walked through the hallway, she was not able to speak anything as her voice got choked. She saw a pair of legs peeping through the door. She could not make out what was that. Frightened, she tried to cope up and managed to get inside the kitchen. The trash and food were strewn across the floor, the shelves were knocked over and the rack of spice was destroyed.
Genevieve’s roommates came home after 5. Genevieve was still there in the kitchen traumatized when her roommates made her feel a little comfortable. Genevieve asked one of her roommates to instantly dial 911 because she thought that both the cleaners inhaled cleaning supplies and lost their consciousness or were dead.
Patroling The House
After having dialed for help, the three roomies decided on having a patrol of their house just to check whether things were at the same place or not. Their house was a trashbag as nothing was cleaned. In addition to that everything was flipped or broken.
The Shelf
While patrolling the house, they suddenly remembered that there was a part in the house where most of the glass items were kept. They were, by all means, talking about the Vodka Shelf. They ran towards the shelf and searched for any flipped table or broken glass or broken Vodka bottle. They did not get to see any loss there except for a missing Vodka bottle.
Bottle Down
Genevieve, in search of the lost bottle, got to discover another fact. She succeeded in finding the misplaced bottle which she found emptied, Her senses became proactive after getting the hints. She quickly marched towards the kitchen and flipped the cleaner who was carelessly lying on the floor.
Way Too Seriously
On flipping the lady, Genevieve noticed that the lady had passed out. Genevieve along with her roommate discovered that she was the one who drank the whole bottle of Vodka after which she had no control over herself ultimately passing out on the kitchen floor. Her pink graphical T-shirt, in which “drink to be merry” was mentioned, must have encouraged her in doing so.