Trap Shy
“We have trapped at this location before and she has witnessed everyone else going in, so she is what we call trap shy,” explained the volunteers. Coconut, the kitten was certainly in need of special attention and she got this attention not from a cat but a pup!
Sweet Pup
Megan’s dog, Bitsy, started to show affection for the little kittens. When Megan felt that it was safe to leave the kitten with Bitsy she let them come close. And that’s when she encountered this breathtaking moment.
Getting Better
“She is getting stronger and is able to hold her head up straighter than even yesterday,” described Megan. Coconut loves to snuggle and kiss Bitsy. She was growing stronger day by day with the help of Bitsy.
Bitsy helps Coconut while she tries to climb the table and shows her how to stretch her limbs and this has helped the little Coconut to get over her shy nature and, make efforts to walk straight. Megan didn’t expect Bitsy’s company will have so much impact on the little one.
Still Looking
Even though with Bitsy, Coconut was getting better, the rescue team was still searching for her mother. This sounds so unrealistic that a team was looking for one specific cat in the town. But they were searching for her even after they were aware there were rare chances of finding the mother. But isn’t this story all about the unusual…
Eventually, the rescue team was able to locate their mother. They couldn’t wait to reunite the three little kittens with their mother. After all, the little kittens faced some really tough times all alone, especially Coconut. Everyone was keeping their fingers crossed and hoping for their mother to accept her kittens. But will she?