Challenging Situation
“I felt like they were protecting her,” Sorbara, president of Naples Cat Alliance, said in an interview. The volunteers knew it was going to be a challenge to save the little white kitten, luckily, the organization is not a believer of giving up on beings. But there were so many unbelievable things that were about to take place.
Balancing Problems
“She has a very pronounced head tilt to the left, but she has a very healthy appetite and manages to roll to where she wants to go,” said one of the volunteers. The kittens’ health improved. The idea of keeping the little babies with other cats worked well. To everyone’s surprise the tabbies always with their white sibling. They were just not ready to leave their sister in need alone.
Naming The Trio
The volunteers gave the trio names, the tabbies were names as Praline and Pistachio while their little sister was called Coconut. The whole association was amazed by the ways that the two kittens continuously supported Coconut on the path of recovery. But the question was who put these little babies on the roadside?
Wrap Wrap
After keeping the little ones in 24*7 observation, Megan brought them home and started looking after them by herself. Well, the incredible thing was that these little kittens were still used to wrap themselves around their sister, Coconut. Why were they doing it anyway?
Bottle Feeding
Megan used to bottle feed the three kittens and the two tabbies were always protective about their younger sister. Even when Megan gets close to Coconut, the other kittens will hug her and wouldn’t let Megan pick her up. While Megan was trying to nourish these kitties, the Naples Cat Alliance was trying to find their mother. As Megan’s love wasn’t enough and they needed a mother to survive.
Mama Cat
All the center’s attempt to locate these kittens’ mother failed. “We have been back every night trying to get mom but she won’t go in the trap,” Sorbara said. When babies are weaker than usual, they need motherly love which increases their chances to survive and hence the shelter’s volunteers came up with a great idea.