So Lonely

There’s a group for everything these days! And you’d think a group called ForeverAloneWomen would be a safe place for women to be able to be themselves without having to deal with men.
But no. This group went private after it was invaded by men trying to PM lonely women. Can’t women just be alone and happy without a man?
Daddy’s Girl

Having children is one of the greatest gifts in the world, but having a daughter comes with a unique set of challenges. Any dad knows just how precious their little girl is and this dad went one step further, making sure no boys come anywhere near his sunshine.
In case it wasn’t clear, this sweetie isn’t going to be having a boyfriend any time soon.
Babe #1, babe #2, babe #3….

We definitely don’t condone anyone cheating on their significant other. We ESPECIALLY don’t condone anyone cheating on their significant other with multiple other girls. With that said, though, we have a piece of advice to all the cheaters out there: whatever you do, don’t do this.
This guy tried to send a loving text to all of his girlfriends at once, but he instead sent multiple texts to one of them. And that means that she quickly became aware of his shady ways. In the eternal words of the one and only DJ Khaled: you played yourself.
Consistency is Key

Shooting your shot takes a lot of courage. What requires even more courage is following up a month later just in case the girl you texted broke up with her boyfriend.
We have to give this guy props. He really did follow up when he said he would, which is more than we can say about some other men these days. But if he thinks one month is a long time for a relationship, then he has some other issues to address.
Giving her plenty of space

Reading someone’s emotional signals can be hard. You might be super into them, and that may color your perception of their actions and responses. In this situation, though, Max really should have known what this girl meant.
He texted her to confess his love, and she immediately said that she needed some space. Seems pretty clear, right? Well, not to everyone. This guy decided to give her some space in his next message rather than giving her the actual space that she desired. Hey, he did technically give her space, so….
Accidentally starting an argument

Some people are just able to turn everything into an argument. If you are dating someone like that, you need to quickly learn to just leave them alone when they’re in an argumentative mood.
But that doesn’t mean that they won’t still cause drama anyway. This guy texted his girlfriend to let her know that he would never participate in arguments with her in the future, and she somehow turned that text into an argument. What do you even do at that point?! You can’t win no matter what you say. We would just give up.