She just wants to have fun

Everyone says that you can only be a grown up if you act like one. But if you ask us, that’s not true at all. You don’t need to be all boring and lame just because you’re no longer a teenager. We respect any adults who have a silly streak.
It looks like Gene, however, is a bit more serious. He was getting some texts from his girlfriend who was at a toy store, and he couldn’t understand why she was there. He figured she was buying a water pistol for someone else, but nope, it was for her.
Helen is a little paranoid

Note to self: never get into a relationship with a person who acts like Helen. This girl decided to break up with her boyfriend over text for an incredibly silly reason: she found a song on his playlist that mentions a girl named Angela.
That was also the name of a girl that he used to date, and she took the inclusion of that song as evidence that he was still in love with her. Paranoid much? If our partner was this overbearing and weird, we would be okay with them breaking up with us over something this silly. Bye.
He only heard one thing

There are some people out there who are just so obsessed with themselves that they shouldn’t even be in relationships. That definitely seems to be the case for this guy. His girlfriend texted him asking if they could go out, and he wasn’t interested.
She then responded with a (justified) rant, but he only got one thing out of it: the fact that she called him beefy. Come on dude. Take a step out of the gym and actually form a relationship with another human being for once! Fitness is important, but it’s not that important.
Let’s just keep it family-friendly

Men and women definitely have different approaches to the physical side of a relationship. Women tend to be more loving and emotional. They like to build things up and fan the flame of passion.
Men, on the other hand, are quick to get to the point. Relationship partners need to learn over time how to balance their own desires with those of their significant other. This guy, however, still doesn’t wanna take much time to be cute. Rather than continuing with the sweet texts that he and his girlfriend had been sending back and forth, he got right to it.
Exposing himself to his wife

You can’t be a very smart person if you cheat on your significant other. Sorry if that offends anyone, but it’s just true. Cheating is an incredibly hurtful and awful thing to do, and it takes someone who really just isn’t bright to put their partner through that.
With that being said, there are levels to that kind of stupidity. This guy sent his wife a text to let her know that he woke up without her, and she responded saying that she woke up in their bed. So where’d he sleep? Uh oh… exposed. How dense can you be?!
Is it truly urgent?

Burritos are serious business. This woman texted her husband to ask him what kind of burrito he wanted, but she was hit with an auto-reply text. He was driving at the time, so he didn’t have time to respond to her request.
According to her, though, burritos are an urgent enough topic that he just needed to respond mid-drive. Honestly, we think that we side with her on this one. But it really goes to show that there are two types of people in this world: those who are urgent about their burritos and those who are not.