Women are cars

One debate that always causes trouble between men and women is the subject of height. The resurgence of the short king is coming, and it’s creating other problems between the genders.
From the guys’ perspective, if women are allowed to be picky about men’s height, they can be just as choosy with women’s weight. But as we all know, that’s a touchy subject for everyone. We shouldn’t have to be the ones to tell you this, but women are not cars. Let’s all just accept people the way they are, people.
He aced that question!

This girl sent a text to her boyfriend to let him know that they could no longer live together. Most people that receive messages like this are immediately sent into a panic. This guy, on the other hand, knew the perfect way to respond.
Rather than freaking out, he just calmly answered her question. It seems like he was more concerned about getting the question right than he was with her feelings! Some people are just like that, we guess. Either way, it sounds like their relationship isn’t fated to last for long. Probably best to move out!
The wife brings up a good point

Having people over to your house is a lot of fun. But do you know what is a lot less fun? Preparing the house for people to come over. You need to do the dishes, pick up all your stuff, and actually get your abode looking clean.
It’s a real pain. And as this conversation shows, the house never stays clean for long. The husband in this conversation was ready to start cleaning 24 hours in advance, but his wife brought up a very good point. Why clean that far ahead if it’s just gonna get dirty before their guests arrive?
He started off so well…

There’s a big stereotype out there that men are only concerned with food, football, and cars. That definitely describes some guys out there, but not this guy. He’s all about tenderness and emotion.
He sent his girl a text about the things he wanted to do with her, and she wanted him to keep going on about it. But she didn’t realize that she opened up the door for him to talk about his car. You see, not all men only care about food, football, and cars. Some men care about love, food, football, and cars. But not in that order.
Lower Your Standards

Whether or not you believe in soulmates, or in love at first sight, the idea of standards in a partner is something that always has and always will divide people.
It’s hard enough to find a decent partner without having a long list of criteria, so with specific requirements, honestly, good luck to you all. You didn’t hear it from us, but we think you should keep those standards high and not settle for less, whatever you’re looking for.
Keep Streaming

We all now know that long gone are the days when video games were considered to be just a ‘boy thing’. Nowadays, the amount of female streamers broadcasting live gaming online almost outnumbers the guys. That doesn’t mean, however, that girls don’t get their fair share of backlash and unwanted comments from men about their streaming.
Guys, if a woman wants to stream video games online and also do other things online, that’s their perogative. Leave them to it!