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And she spread a word through social media among her friends and further. Hoping to get to the owner of her thrift store’s find, Sara clicked pictures of the item and posted it on a facebook group “Vancouver Area Free Market”. Though it seemed almost impossible at first, not for too long. As it took lesser than a day and she heard from the owner. Sara got a response and there she was, Sara found the lady she needed to hand over the belongings to.
Who Is The Owner?
Rose Hill lived in Hillsboro for over years, without even being aware that she is being searched by Sara to return what originally belonged to her. Until Sara posted the information on Facebook and Rose’s son viewed it who called his mom and told, Mom, you’re all over social media. Stunned Rose replied, No, I’m not. She later explained her emotions at that moment as It was really surreal. The info came as a surprise to Rose at once and later she realized how much these mattered to her. After being unknown to what she was really missing on, she wanted to get her thing back soon.
Sara’s Excitement
I’m so excited to meet her, I’m shaking, Redlich said. I think that’s great. And if these can help her in any way, I think that’s fantastic. When her efforts of generosity paid off, it made Sara feel wonderful that finally, she’ll be able to give her thrift store find to the right person.
Lost Memory Of Her Belongings!
I didn’t even know we had those, as The 64-year-old suffered through memory loss, for around a year. She further talked about how the loss of memory that affected her, It seems like a lot of my life is gone and I can’t find it, I was rooting for them to find brain lesions or a brain tumor. I wanted to know what was causing this, because if you know what’s causing it maybe you can fix it – or make it better – or make it not hurt so bad. Sara knew these were more than just usual, however, she never thought that this might be a reason for so much happiness to Rose as it helped in giving her a detailed picture of her love life.
Wait For 9th January
Sara’s act of thinking personally about others resulted in lots of happiness. Without any delay, Sara instantly called Rose and they talked over the phone but Rose didn’t intend to meet right away. Sara wrapped them to surprise her and waited for 9th January to see Rose. And the result was a whole stock of history and old days memories that were forgotten with time. She wished to wait for a special date. Wonder why?
Joe- The Flashback
Going through her belongings Rose remembered when she met Joe while picking strawberries from the farm, Rose and Joe had known each other since childhood. Later as they grew up, Joe joined the army and was sent to Vietnam. They always shared a sweet understanding friendship. In 1972, when he came back on Christmas break Joe borrowed Rose’s car and she never thought twice before letting him take the car as they became too good friends by that time. All she requested for was to drop her at the office and later to home. Unaware that this might be a start of their journey together. So what actually was hidden in the wrapper Sara brought with herself that day?