Everyone says yes when given an opportunity to opt the best stuff that suits our budget. At times, clothes picked up from thrift shops instantly makes to our wardrobe favorites. Despite the fact that it requires enough time to go through the whole lots of odd pieces and pick the right thing at the right price, we never step back from spending our time in search of something, anything amazing. After all, this is where most of us improved our bargaining skills.
However, on several occasions, few items make you wonder about its sole owner. But very rarely do we see anyone who takes a step ahead rather than just wondering and so is the story of this woman who not just took it to next level but did a life-enhancing act. Here’s all you need to know about this strange yet inspiring story.
A Thrift Store Visit
It all started in 2009 when Sara Redlich was on a trip to Hillsboro, a town not far from her place ie Aloha in Oregon. The concept of cheap and nice is what attracts us to these stores and usually, we get enough free time to explore and shop when on outings. Just like the rest of us, the idea of a thrift store nearby sounded like a fun thing to Sara and hence her excitement led her to the local Goodwill at Hillsboro to get herself few efficient picks. She had no clue about how this store was soon gonna grant her with an extremely beautiful experience.
Discovered Something Strange
Most of the times we ignore the great things that await our attention to happen. Similar great thing awaited Sara in the store that day. While Sara was on her hunt for the best and most suitable stuff in the store, what she found was less of a product to be sold and more of someone’s personal belongings which ideally weren’t supposed to be there at the first place. Sara knew how much they can mean to the person whom they belonged to. So, not having a second thought she wanted to get them in the right hands. Though she was less aware of the difficulties she was about to face in return for an act of kindness. These are somebody’s memories. These are part of their life and history.
As soon as Sara realized how big a deal they might be for their owner, Sara tried to get help from the staff members. She immediately informed the staff how mistakenly something personal that should not be on display for everyone was actually kept for sale. While she got the least help from the staff, Sara insisted on making an effort but got disappointed. Later, she expressed herself, they mean a lot of somebody, they mean a lot to me and they’re not even mine.
Chose To Lead
After sensing that no one was bothered by the situation or willing to help in locating the address of the owner, Sara knew that she didn’t want them to be at the shop. Hence, she took those to her place, taking the responsibilities. Later, she expressed her emotions at that very moment in an interview with the Washington newspaper, The Columbian, I grabbed them all. I thought, ‘I need to find the rightful owner. If nobody else is going to do anything about it, I am.’
Years Of Forgetfulness

Sadly, it was about to turn out to be a long pause before the possibility of the item could ever be received by the right person. It’s crazy, I’ve had these for six years, she said with disbelief.
Though Sara was very concerned about getting the possessions to their rightful owner, she didn’t know how reason being she kept them in a box and forgot about them soon. So, it was going to take a longer time for the right person to get their precious item back. As time passed Sara forgot about them completely and got along with her life. In the coming years, she moved from Aloha to different places and finally ended up settling down in Salmon Creek, Washington.
Whole Vancouver Helped

Years later, Sara didn’t remember about the box she kept the belongings in. Until one day, when she was going through her stuff, settling things at right place after moving to Salmon Creekhile. She once again got the item she found at the thrift store. Sara knew its been long enough that the owner is unaware. So, this time she had a plan as she intended to get these belongings to the owner anyhow. About her next step, Sara said, I was hoping for at least one person to care about who this person was, but I had all of Vancouver helping me.