Nothing Fair Nothing Well

While she was hanging out with her husband, she got a call from her mother that Jensyn was a bit feverish. Mrs. Osborn informed that she would drive Jensyn to the doctor and asked Taylor not to worry about her as she was under her supervision. Taylor insisted on calling Emma, her sister, but her mother was reluctant and adamant that she could drive perfectly.
Mrs. Osborn was in her late 70’s and was unable to see properly due to her geriatric age. She faced a lot of difficulties while driving and was stubborn as well. Then too, she decided to drive her to a doctor. While driving, she failed to see a steep slope and ended up saying goodbye to the world along with her little one.
Dark Ahead

Taylor halted and waited for Eva to put some questions regarding it, but, she was all tears. She could not speak even a single word. She tried asking whether Emma was alive or not. She got to know that Emma was no more as she was fighting against cancer but was unable to get through it and died right after her mother and daughter on the very same day.
A New Morning

Eva could not hold back her emotions and sentiments. She asked her mother to calm down and get along with them. She agreed on joining them. Mr. Smith rode them down the town and halt at the street fair. Eva tried her level best to support her mother so that she could forget her all the pains she went through. Everything was going well and Eva wanted to live that moment forever because she finally got to know how mother-daughter relationship feels like.

Taylor, after meeting Eva was missing her mother even more. She told that Eva resembled her grandma and lost no moment to admire her. She was haunted by the guilt of not meeting her earlier and repeatedly asking Eva to be in touch. Taylor did mention Jensyn and cried on losing both of them at the mere age of 3 and 5.
Car Under Care

While exploring Mr. Smith’s house, Taylor came across a picture of Eva standing beside the car. To Taylor, the car meant everything as it was her mother’s last memory. After the accident, she fixed her car and tried to drive it, but she was haunted by the bad memories so she thought of selling it even though she never wanted to. Her financial condition was not that good that she could afford to have two cars. Her second husband left her as well when she was emotionally imbalanced. She was alone, all alone. All she left with was the car with memories. This is the reason why she was so attached to the car.