Unexpected Sight
After reaching Vancouver Island the family was surprised to see that the land was not actually land but filled with wilderness and undeveloped. They weren’t expecting this as the land wasn’t fit to be counted as a decent farm. Eliza didn’t lose hope. She came up with an idea. She thought of moving to California but the destiny had some other plans and the family stepped into a place that nobody heard about. The place just came out in front of them as if it was waiting for them. Soon, the mystery around the forbidden island was solved. But if it was solved then how come no one was able to enter the island? Was it really an island or just an illusion of the family?
The Sandwich Islands
The Hawaiian Islands are also known as the Sandwich Island, and the sea route was the safest back then for the ships to pass. Eliza took the same route and without discussing with the family she took a turn in the night and sailed her ship towards the south of Hawaii. Obviously, she was anxious about her decision but that didn’t stop her from making the life-changing decision. She was confident that this would change her family’s life forever. Indeed it did change a life but in a most unexpected way.
And They Arrived
When she arrived at this mysterious island Eliza was just 63-years-old. She was brave and took a decision which she thought would be better for the family. Eliza and her family were in Hawaii. Looking at the place the family realized this place was no California but something else. Eliza who was looking at the sea spotted another ship which was coming their way. It was the ship of King Kamehameha V, the ruler of the Hawaiian Islands. But then something amazing happened with the family.
The Proposal From The King
King Kamehameha V was just visiting the islands when the crew members spotted an unknown ship and notified the king. The king ordered the ship captain to take him to that island. King Kamehameha met Eliza and introduced himself. She asked about the island that was looking so mysterious to the whole family. The king told them this island is Niihau. It was then king asked if Eliza was willing to buy this island. She was surprised and happy that at last, they could start new. But it was just a start.
Why Sell The Island?
We have no idea why Kamehameha V agreed on selling the island to Eliza in the first place. In 1864, Elizabeth Sinclair bought the Niihau island from the Kamehameha V for $10,000 which she paid in gold. But there was one condition that the king put in front of Eliza that changed the fate of the family and the island. The condition was tough but still, Elizabeth was tired of traveling and she agreed on that one condition. So what was the condition?
Finally, It’s Yours
Kamehameha V sold the island to the Sinclairs and said, “Niihau is yours. But the day may come when the Hawaiians are not as strong in Hawaii as they are now. When that day comes, please do what you can to help them.” After hearing those words, she just got a new purpose in her life. She and her family were more than happy to help people. Surprisingly, there were humans living in that small mysterious island. But what help Kamehameha talked about?