All Hoomans Are Good Hoomans
Well, this is the case with most of the dogs. They get friendly very easily, especially, when untrained. Barry never felt a need of training for Titan but now he knew what a big mistake he has made. Titan used to get friendly with anyone and everyone very easily and probably this was the reason that man was able to take him.
Empty Handed
That day Barry returned home without Titan. What actually happened? The pooch was with him for over 8 years and he never ran around to go missing. Well, that’s true but to everyone’s shock, the pooch was not lost but taken away. Someone took him. Titan couldn’t go without barry, he was the only one knowing all his needs and requirements.
A Tragedy
Barry Gearhart who seemed to be a tough man fell weak after his dog was gone. He knew that Titan was in danger and Barry was ready to do all it will take to find him. But finding a kidnapped dog seems a next to impossible thing and that’s what Barry’s friends tried to explain him.
A Horrified Owner
While Barry’s friends were trying to explain to him that there is no way that he’ll see Titan again, his daughter stayed next to him. She was giving him ways to get to Titan but there was no news of the poor dog. Barry’s guilt was burdening him more and more with every day.
It Was Quiet
“The worst day of my life had occurred. I looked in the truck. It was empty. It was quiet,” remembered Barry of the fateful day in an interview. He was blaming himself for losing his buddy. And there was no way that he’ll give up the search for his dog.
Have You Seen This Dog?
Barry posted Titan’s photos online on Facebook and Twitter in hope of getting any information about his Titan’s whereabouts. Months passed away but no sign of Titan was ever seen. People showed sympathy but there was no help about the lost dog. Slowly, Barry’s daughter also started losing hopes for Titan’s return.