
While the young man struggled to have a little extra legroom, he saw a heartwrenching scene. The first-class flyer spotted a woman who was wearing a military uniform sitting in the coach area. She was struggling to adjust but she didn’t complain about it to the attendants and his eyes widened in surprise.


A lot of times we complain about the things we don’t have, without even thinking or being grateful for the small things that we are blessed to have while other people are deprived of them. There may be several people out there who struggle to get a loaf of bread or don’t have a roof over their heads even after working so hard for the whole day.


He felt embarrassed because he was sitting in the first class and complaining about unnecessary things and there she was sitting there in a small and congested space she had. He tried to close his eyes but now he could think of nothing else but the woman. He had to do something for her, after all, it was because of her that he use to sleep peacefully on his bed without being afraid of the unknown danger. But what would he do?

Taking Steps

He thought over and over again because the step he was going to take was quite unusual for him. He walked over to her and said the following: “Sorry ma’am, I’m in your seat.” She looked at him and was confused because she had double-checked her seat number before sitting on it then how could she have mistaken. She checked her ticket again. Was she really sitting in the wrong seat?


She was perplexed and checked her ticket again. She then faced the young man and confirmed that she was sitting in the right seat. “What? No – I’m 31B,” she replied to him. But he insisted her to sit in his seat. She couldn’t understand why the man was insisting on taking his seat. Then he explained his motive, would she be able to understand?

Good Deed

He then explained to her that he was offering his seat as a polite gesture and wanted to thank her for her services towards the nation. She was really touched by his offer and was stunned that a man who had paid for a first-class seat was willing to give up his seat for her. The attendant who had always seen him complaining about one thing or the other was now surprised as he offered his seat to the woman.