It’s Him

At the bottom of the well was Bruno. The dog which was missing for over 28 days now, had ended up in this well. John’s heart sank to find him there. The dog luckily managed to survive all the odds.
Poor Condition
John was trembling to even look at Bruno in that condition. Bruno was in a poor condition, almost on the verge of death. He was extremely weak and could barely bark. His eyes were half-closed. The poor pooch was just breathing somehow.
Get Him Out
Bruno was badly infected. He had cuts and sores all over his body. The dog was stinking and his wounds were bleeding. He probably had hurt himself in attempts to climb up the well and rescue himself. John knew he had to get his beloved dog out at the moment.
Saving Him
John immediately dialed his son’s number and called him for help. The little boy in an instant tied a rope around his waist and jumped inside the well. He was ready to risk his life and save the dog. However, Bruno seemed frightened.
Bruno was so weak and feeling ill that he couldn’t even recognize his owner. John’s son carefully picked up Bruno in his arms and slowly climbed out of the well. He kept on caressing him so that the pooch feel a little better. The other three dogs stood there silent, looking at their sibling struggling.
Rushing To Vet
John and his son drove to the vet in Estevan as fast as possible. On their way, they constantly prayed that Bruno just manages to breathe until they reach the doctor for help. And when they reached the doctors too were stunned to see a pooch in this poor condition.