Insensitive People

At this point, she couldn’t hold her tears and she started crying remembering that particular day they left her alone. She said people were coming back and forth but didn’t see her sitting on the side of the platform. She wanted to cry but it seemed like the injections had dried her tears so not a single drop came out of her eyes. She was helpless and starving. How did she manage to get help?


While she had lost all hope, the police at the station came to her rescue. She remembered that they took her to the police station and fed her properly and after she had rested for a while and was able to talk they asked her about her family. They told her that she was at the local police station of Ryazan, which she didn’t know was almost 500 miles away from her actual home.


It was 1999 when she was taken away from her father and according to the laws, it was legal to cross the borders from Belarus to Russia even without a passport. So they did not have a problem taking Yulia from one place to another without any checking. Only if the laws were a little tight, Yulia might not have experienced the horror she had undergone.

Searching Day And Night

Ryazan’s Police started to search for Yulia’s parents because they couldn’t leave a 4-year-old girl in the middle of the city all alone by herself. She also told them that the police had commented on how fluently she spoke a Belarus accent but they never searched for the parent whose child was missing in Belarus instead they searched only in Russia so as expected their search ended and they failed to find her parents. What would the police do now?


So after a failed search, they shifted her to a local orphanage. She used to sit in a corner and didn’t talk to anyone, somedays she would regret her decision and prayed to reach home. She would barely eat the food and wouldn’t leave her bed. Somedays she would cry her eyes out because it was painful for her to be in an orphanage when her parents were alive but were miles away. What would become of her fate now?

Fate Takes A Turn

Luckily soon after she was shifted to the orphanage her fate took a turn. She was adopted by a nice family. And now Yulia not only had parents but 2 brothers too. She was gradually coming back to her normal self. She had become more cheerful and chatty like before. Soon she had become the apple of everyone’s eye in her foster home. No wonder why she was special to her biological parents.