Wait A Minute!
While this investigation was on-going there was something else that they found out about this rock. The team was busy collecting different samples from the same rock but then they got to know a very interesting piece of information about the rock that changed the course of the investigation. The team was taken aback with this new piece of information.
The Samples
The team collected the necessary samples after taking all the time in the world because they didn’t want to destroy this mysterious item in their rush. They took the samples back to the lab where they started examining the samples. The examination was a lengthy process which had a lot of phases and they were important too because this specific thing had no history of existence and which made the process very long. Meanwhile, the other team was busy collecting new information about the rocks. Sadly, there was no success from their side. But as we told you that the team found an interesting thing about the rock. What was it?
New Information
The team found out that this piece of huge rock was on private property. The anonymous owner of this land purchased the land back in 1988 and when he bought the land this rock came with it which he has been using as a doorstop for decades. The owner who took it as a regular rock didn’t realize that he has actually stumbled upon the most amazing thing in the world. No, it wasn’t a diamond. Then what actually it was?
Meeting The Owner
The owner of this rock had no idea why this team of archeologists was bugging him just because he had a rock which weighed 119,000 and 120,000 pounds. But the team then met the guy and asked him if he knows anything about this rock but the farmer said that he bought this land from the previous owner and when he purchased the land this stone was already there and it didn’t bother him. But who could have imagined that this guy would find something this interesting and his life would change forever?
The Results
The team was waiting for the results from the lab and they were found out that this rock was between 190 and 410 million years old. What? Yes, this stone was this old. As we have already told you that it wasn’t a stone from the starting. It was not a fossil of some dinosaurs nor was it a diamond. The team realized that they were actually holding that one thing which did change the history of the world.
It Can’t Be
The team who started their investigation to solve the mystery behind the mysterious rock found out that it was actually a meteorite which was around between 190 and 410 million years old. Was this the same meteorite that brought a disaster over the dinosaurs? They found out more about the meteorite that shocked the world.