Breeding Like Rabbits

You will be surprised to find that rabbits really are a busy bunch. A rabbit can start mating at just 3 to 8 months old. When they reach this age, they are capable of breeding 8 out of 12 months every year for the rest of their life. A doe’s reproductive system does not follow a cycle but rather dependent on intercourse. This is not something you would expect from such a cute bunch right?
What Is Binky?

If you want to know whether a rabbit is happy or not, you need to spend enough time around them. And when you do, you might get the rare chance to witness one of the cutest behaviors in nature when it comes to rabbits. A bunny sometimes hops and twists in mid-air when they are happy. This action aptly called a “binky” happens rarely.
Eating Their Own Poop

This behavior of theirs might rabbits look a lot less adorable. Rabbits have a habit of digesting their food first, then eating their poop, processing it for another round. Their poops are actually a very significant part of their meal plan. A kind of poop called cecotropes that are softer than their normal poop are what they eat. They have a special digestive system that lets them re-digest the nutrients that might have been missed.
Grooming Like Cats
And so this point actually makes sense of the incident between Chasky and Pelu. Rabbits are incredibly hygienic. Just like cats do, they man maintain themselves and keep clean throughout the day. How you ask? Well, they do this by licking their fur and paws. This means rabbits do not require being given a bath by their owners.
No Vomits

However, although a rabbit and a cat can clean themselves, there is something that a rabbit cannot do. After self-grooming, a rabbit cannot cough up a furball like a cat would. The rabbit digestive system is physically unable to move in reverse. Instead of these furballs, rabbits would just eat plenty of roughage that would eventually move the fur along their digestive tract.