Human beings by nature, possess a lot of empathy. Whether it is for our fellow humans or even other species of animals, we are always ready to help. Our human nature drives us to do good towards others. This is something that separates us from other beings. However, there are some instances wherein other animals showcase this behavior. When a rabbit finds his cat pal in trouble, he acts quickly and displays his rescuing skills thrilling everyone…
A Rabbit’s Nature
Have you ever seen or met a rabbit? We may not realize that these tiny creatures are quite social beings that tend to live in large groups called colonies. They love spending time with each other and do things together. They are most busy at dusk and dawn when they go out in search of food. The low light is a good time for them to hide from potential predators…
Types Of Predators
So who are predators for these furballs? Well, they may vary and would include owls, hawks, eagles, falcons, wild dogs, feral cats and ground squirrels. Rabbits are in constant danger of meeting with these animals and they are their biggest threat. Rabbits are able to run quickly and swiftly away from enemies or rather predators. But this farm rabbit ran to be of help instead of running away…
A Farm Rabbit
Living in a farmhouse can be pretty exciting for an animal. They get to interact with other species and learn from each other. Dogs play with chickens, ducks play roam around with cows. So many different animals share their living space. Hence, there is bound to be something groundbreaking that happens once in a while. And on this day, it actually did with a rabbit and a cat…
Regular Day At The Farm
So at the farm that day, nothing special was going on. It was a regular day where Chasky the white rabbit was just wasting his day away. The cute rabbit had nothing happening that day. He was just minding his own business, roaming around the farm counting his hours. Chasky the white rabbit was probably daydreaming without any expectation of how significant this day would be…
Chasky The White Rabbit
Chasky the white rabbit was was probably just dreaming of the famous rabbits that have become household names in the past. He might have been dreaming of Thumper, a friend of Bambi, or even the White Rabbit from the wonderful tale of ‘Alice In Wonderland’. His other thoughts might have been about what to eat next. We all know how much rabbits love their food. His day would flip soon…
Lucky Rabbits
As we all know, children have always been fascinated with rabbits. We must admit that some of us, as adults, still freak out when we meet a rabbit. They are so cute and fluffy that they make it hard to remain calm when we spend time with them. They are seen as lucky animals and have severed as heroes of children’s literature for a meaningful reason.