Every family is not just as perfect as it seems, and hurdles are bound to come in every relationship regardless of the closeness. With the passage of time, differences are bound to creep in, hence it becomes important to communicate and express one’s feelings from time to time to revitalize the relationship. A similar incident happened when a father-son duo took a road trip to rekindle their relationship but this trip changed their lives forever.
A Happy Family
If there was any truth in the proverb “happily ever after”, the majority of the people living around the Winingars would believe it to be true for them. Winingar’s were the most adorable couple and everybody would love to be around them. When Zach entered their life there whole world would revolve around the kid from teaching him alphabets or going to his annual day functions. They shared a close-knit bond with each other
As the couple’s kid, Zach entered his sophomore year things began to change gradually. The amount of time the father-son duo used to spend together decreased with the passage of time. This made the father, Bret Winingar a little worried. Whenever he used to discuss this with his wife, she generally would brush off saying that he was getting older and this was bound to happen. Would the father let the distance come between their relationship?
The differences had become such an issue that they were having arguments every other day. This made Bret’s wife extremely worried. She didn’t know how to tackle both the men and tried to make them sit in one place and talk about it but that only made the matter worse. Would she be able to bring both men in harmony with each other?
The Age Gap
What the father and the son were not able to understand was the generation gap, which was the root of all their problems. Bret was always engrossed in work and Zach was trying to cope up with his studies, both the son and the father lacked time and hence the pit of the difference was growing deeper and denser with time and made it impossible to understand each other.
One night Bret sat on the edge of the bed, trying to find out some solution as this situation was getting on his nerves. The more he tried to make peace with his son the more things got worsened. He was fed up now and went to his wife to seek some advice because Zach was his only child and he didn’t want to create unnecessary walls between them. What would he do now?
Scrutinizing Things
Though Bret wasn’t worried about Zach getting into a bad company, still the void that was being created annoyed him a lot. So he wanted to find a way by which he could revitalize his relationship with his son. He thought he needed a break from his work and spend some quality time with his son. But the question was would Zach appreciate his efforts?