Finally, A Response

And so after waiting for a while, there was a response finally. A woman by the name Monique happened to answer her post looking for a home for poor Derek. “All sorted. The fab Monique is picking Derek up on Friday. She’s even going to give him a much-needed manicure. I’m sure she’ll be able to achieve what I haven’t – a hog with spines!” Garner explained.
A Huge Task Though
Also, there was some very wonderful news in store for Derek. And Monique had made a promise to take care of the hedgehog until he was fir enough to get back to the wild. Until and unless his spines grew back, he would get the best treatment so that he could bounce back better than ever. But there was certainly a mammoth task to be done in order to make this happen.
A Routine To Get Better

And so what could Derek do to get back in shape so that he could return to the wild where he belongs. Well, he would need a very relaxed environment all to himself. He even managed to get a much-needed body massage. “With the new run hopefully he’ll recover in the next two months and his stress levels will go down,” Garner revealed with a positive attitude.
Just In Case
And Lynne made sure Derek received the best treatment he could. She was also in contact with several groups which also included the British Hedgehog Preservation Society. This was just another effort to try and find a more permanent solution for the luckless hedgehog. It was to make sure he had a place to live in just in case he was not able to grow his spines back.
To Promote Spine Growth

And just like she had wanted, everything that Lynne worked for finally started showing a result. In the end, Derek’s spa treatment was a success. All the effort they put into making him better worked after all. Oil massage is one of the most effective ways to treat hedgehogs that have undergone injuries that are similar to Derek’s. He was a good example to show that it actually works.
A Good Recovery
With the best kind of treatment and masaage that they could give, Derek was slowly showing progress. In most cases, this treatment actually facilitates spine growth. “He’s a wild animal, and we want to be able to release him as soon as possible,” Garner had also stated. In the pace that he was going, Derek would be ready to be placed in the wild again very soon.