What Was It?
Whey they took what they thought was a relic in their hands, they were in awe to see what it actually was. This was something the two did not anticipate on discovering at all in their backyard. It was, in fact, an animal that was fairly common to the area. The couple was so shocked to have dug this out from the rocks. They immediately called for a vet to check on it. So what was it?
Not A Regular Hedgehog
The animal that the couple was convinced was an artifact was actually a hedgehog. It was a tiny hedgehog but this creature was definitely not an ordinary hedgehog. The tow quickly took it to the A120 Veterinary Surgery near Little Hadham. There was something really special and unique about this animal. So what did they find out at the animal hospital?
A Spineless Hedgehog

It turned out that the little hedgehog was unlike others. He actually suffered from alopecia that had been brought on due to a childhood trauma. And so what happened in the end? Well, the poor hedgehog lost all his spines. This was indeed a very bizarre case that does not really happen often. Hedgehogs actually make use of their spines to shield themselves from threats or enemies.
The Reason?
If the spines in a hedgehog are meant to protect them, then what happens if they do not have them? Well, it does not take a scientist to realize that not having spines would be an issue for them. And so the vets could tell that the overwhelming stress was to blame for his spines getting lost. So then you have to know what was the cause for this hedgehog to get this shocked?
Past Trauma

But like we said, this was such an unusual finding that it even got the vets a little confused. They were not so sure about the ways they could effectively treat the hedgehog. And so what did they do? The vets then made a call to Lynne Garner. Fortunately for them, she was able to help. From the first moment she laid eyes on the poor hedgehog, it was pure love.
Issues With The Past
Ans so what did Lynne do? She immediately took him in and gave him a place in her rescue shelter. She also decided to name the spineless creature Derek. She only wanted to give him a place to live in where there would be minimal threats or danger. She was on a mission to make him strong again and regain his health. But Derek’s past trauma still caught on to him.