Driving Vicariously
While watching the wedding video, even Joel’s eyes were not dry. He recalls his childhood days where some of his earliest memories were not of him but that of his parents. They would constantly remind their kids about a car they once owned. It was the car which physically marked their official togetherness in that era. This car was no less than a family member in itself. Years later while watching this video, he was struck with an incredible idea that he could put to action now…
Gifting It Back
Joel finally got the thing which he wanted to gift his parents as the wedding anniversary present. He was sure, he will be gifting his parents the 1948 Plymouth Convertible! The car which had given his parents so much, will now again become the part of their journey. He could see how many emotions of his parents were invested in that video and especially on that Plymouth.
But, from where and how will Joel find this Vintage 1948 Plymouth Convertible in the 21st century?
The Search Begins
Finding a Plymouth was a really challenging task in front of Joel now. The car was now a vintage and must have been overpriced. Joel couldn’t find any. After meeting various collectors he came to know that there were three of these available of which two were already sold and the remaining one left was gracing a museum. Joel did not lose his hope and carried with his search for finding one.
Voila! It is There
After hours and days of research online, Joel managed to find one Plymouth convertible online. The ad that was posted guaranteed the car to be in the best condition possible. Joel wished to visit the seller to strike a deal with him regarding a car which would surely leave his parents amazed. It would give them their lost happiness. But things did not seem to work this easy…
The Dream Car
According to the seller, the car was in excellent condition and was safeguarded in a garage for almost a decade. It had never been taken out in winters and sported a fine shape. It was the 1948 Plymouth Convertible which was shining the same way it used to be back in 1948. Moreover, it also had a very low mileage. Then what was the problem?
Trust Issues
The Craigslist ad had no pictures of the car and just a written description was given. Joel was not sure of whether it will be the same car as pictured in his parent’s wedding video. The owner of the car was an 81-year old man who was not good with technology and thus could not send pictures. He was from Indiana. Joel after having a word with him asked one of his friends to visit that seller and investigate about the car. Next what happened just blew Joel away…