Old Coke Bottles
The couple also found thousands of small glass pieces from the old Coca-Cola bottles. Coke must have been the special beverage for the soldiers during their free time. It’s good to see that our brave soldiers didn’t forget to enjoy their times away from home waiting for WWII to end. They would have thought about the good old days of them sitting in their home enjoying cola with their family or friends. This place was filled with memories and emotions. This couple was living it all.
Airstrip Before
This photograph is a real image of the airstrip that was present there in WWII. You can actually see a plane about to take off of the runway and must have been heading for Europe as most of the planes did. This base was filled with planes coming and leaving the camp as per the orders from the above. We just can’t imagine the schedule of this place, like, soldiers working day and night because war doesn’t stop for anybody.
Airstrip After
This image is the present image of the airstrip and there is no sign of the airstrip that has been now covered with rocks and metal pieces. This place was the one base that held the capacity to land plane of any size. This was the busiest route between the United States and Europe during World War II. As it was located in a very remote location this place would have stayed hidden from the enemies who must have tried to find its location.
Not Easily Reachable
The fact that this place could only be reached by boat becomes more interesting when the couple found out that this only for a few months. Back then if you wanted to reach or move out of the location.it was not possible every month a few months were marked for that and for the rest of the year this place was totally out of anybody’s reach.
Amazing Place
Looking at this place in Ikateq, Greenland makes us wonder how this place once was a functional airstrip, filled with large aircraft and brave soldiers working day and night for their beloved country. Because this place is not easily accessible and transporting the remains from this place is not that easy, it seems that this place would stay like this for many years and there would some other people to whom this place might speak and tell them its true story. The place is not haunted, all it has is a haunted past.