It Was The Name
The guy took out his cellphone and surprisingly his phone was showing two network bars. He searched the term “Bluie,” and the first thing that came up on the screen was “Bluie East Two.” In the description about the term, there was written World War II. The couple couldn’t believe that they were actually standing in the spot which was used in WWII. After more research, the couple found out everything about the place. The mystery was finally solved and they realized that it wasn’t the place that was haunted but the events that took place in that past that still haunts us.
Bluie East Two
So, miles away from Ikateq there was a place known as “Bluie East Two.” During WWII, this place was used by the United States Air Force airfield. The couple was right about one thing, this place had a history. With time people forgot about this place and which was then left abandoned in the middle of nowhere. Nobody came back to this place because of an obvious reason. Nobody wanted to live in a place that was filled with the horrors of WWII. The couple then saw spotted several other things too that was really incredible.
During WWII
WWII took place between 1942 and 1947, and this place Bluie East Two was used as a refueling station for the planes that were used in WWII. This place was a stop for the planes that traveled from the United States to Europe. This place fulfilled one and only purpose which was to give the plane its fuel so that these planes could fly to fulfill their one sole purpose, destruction.
More Stuff To Investigate
There were lots of stuff still scattered around in the area and local people who found the place took some of the items which they thought could be useful to them. But then there were only a few might have found the place by accident just like this couple. The locals might have taken the items by foot or by a boat because there was no other way. They weren’t able to carry the heavy stuff as it wasn’t physically possible because the route back to the city was really far.
Fuel Barrels
The big barrels that this couple spotted were actually barrels of fuel. The couple was surprised to see that there were some barrels that still had fuel inside them. It seemed like this place was left as it is when the war was over. After the war was over this place was abandoned because they had no use of this place. Everybody left the place and this place was forgotten leaving the stuff and haunted memories behind.
Radio Towers
Including the fuel barrels, there were old radio towers too. Though they weren’t standing tall as they did once in the past, these towers were resting in the ground because their purpose of existence was fulfilled. These towers were located near the airstrips and were used by the pilots to communicate with the air traffic controllers.