Let’s Start
The couple was walking down the same path that they discovered by an accident, for a while there was nothing that spiked their heartbeats but it didn’t take them long to realized what this place actually was. The couple was taking pictures and it was then they noticed something weird in one of the pictures they took. There is a limit to which you can zoom in the camera and because of that, the picture was blurry and they had no other choice but to go to that spot and see it by themselves.
A Broken Bridge
In that one picture couple spotted a broken bridge a little far from they were standing. They looked back and realized it was really far away and they need to see why there was a broken bridge in the middle of nowhere. After taking photographs of the present spot they moved further to investigate that bridge. It was far so they decided to rest a little and start the journey after an hour. Soon they would find the truth about this mysterious place that stayed hidden from the world for decades.
Now, What’s That?
The couple was resting as the broken bridge which they spotted in one of the pictures was a little far from the place they were. The guy started playing with little stones that were spread all over the place. For a moment he stopped and was looking at them, but to his surprise, the place wasn’t filled with only small stones but there were small iron pieces too. These small rusty pieces of iron looked exactly like small rocks and weren’t easily noticeable. But the couple knew that this place is something else entirely. This place is not what it looks like. Then what was this place? Why was it left abandoned? What’s with these small iron rock-shaped pieces? You’ll find out soon.
To The Broken Bridge
The couple started their journey to the broken bridge. As they were walking towards it they were surprised to find lots of things there. Most of the items were made of iron and because of the oxidation process, the items were all rusty and difficult to read. The couple didn’t dare to touch any one of them mostly because they had no idea what these items were. Their main focus was to reach the bridge as soon as possible. The sun was ready to rest and it wouldn’t be long before it gets dark. They need to hurry up because what if the place was really haunted.
The Bridge
The couple increased their pace and reached the bridge and their mouth was wide open. The sight was really unbelievable. Not only there was an old rusty broken bridge but the place was also filled with numerous big cans. What was this place? The couple had no idea what were they in the middle of. They started exploring the area and then they found something about the place that changed everything. They were able to solve the mystery behind this place. They for sure knew what this place actually was.
That One Name
While the couple was investigating the area they noticed something written on one of the cans that were lying in the area. They weren’t able to read the whole text as it wasn’t clearly visible. The text they read was “Bluie,” which made no sense to them. First, they thought it wasn’t “bluie” but “blue.” They were wrong about it. It was actually Bluie and there was a reason they couldn’t understand the term because it was incomplete. There were other two words which had faded with time. So what were the other two words?