This bear that wasn’t ready to move was struggling to move. The other 4 cubs were all over the place but this one couldn’t even walk and he was the smallest of all sibling bears. This was the time to do something but how?
Wouldn’t Move
The other cubs were older and had no trouble in walking while this little one couldn’t even move a little. The mother bear was becoming angry and the honking sounds were increasing her anger. But this mother bear’s next move couldn’t have explained in any way.
The mother bear crossed the road and started poking her little struggling baby. She moved around the baby hoping that the baby would follow her but he wasn’t ready to move. It was the first time that Thomas was encountering mother bear with 4 cubs and soon the unexpected took place.
Left Behind
Thomas kept on watching it all for quite a few minutes but couldn’t just stand and watch there. The heartbreaking moment took place before Thomas would have run into action. The mother bear finally gave up and returned to the woods. The little cub was left in the middle of the road with nowhere to go and no intentions to move.
Right after Thomas made sure that the mother left the cub behind, he went close to the little bear. The baby bear was in miserable condition, he could hardly open his eyes. The baby was trying to get up and follow his mother but every time he could walk a couple of steps before falling.
Left Alone
Thomas instantly picked up the baby bear and took it to the car. He kept the baby on the front seat of his car and quickly did what he felt to be the best thing. He took the baby to the New Hampshire Fish and Game Center. This scene left Thomas thinking as to why did the mother bear leave her baby behind.