Biggest Fear
“He’ll be more disappointed in me for making a fuss over it when, in his eyes, it fits, and there’s nothing actually wrong with it rather than being disappointed that I’m not truly happy with it,” mentioned the woman as she didn’t want to disappoint her fiancé by questioning his choice. What if he felt it was the best ring for her?
How To Avoid This Situation
As per the experts, rings are available in the markets in every price range and there are a variety of styles available in any ring. It’s not necessary that only a costly trying can look classy. One needs to know the likes and dislikes of his or her partner before making a selection. Or at least take someone with you who knows your girl from a long time.
Limited Options
Ultimately, for this unhappy woman, very few options were available. She kept the post online for a week or so and later on deleted it. Yet the question remained on social media, “which one is more important: the engagement ring or fiancé?”
He Loved It
While posting about all the negative things of the ring, the woman also told that she did try to know her fiancé’s point of view about it. The man seemed to like the ring as he said it was right for her. Although the woman couldn’t really understand if it was a compliment or a comment.
Wait For The Right Time?
In situations like this one can’t do anything. Waiting for the next milestone or any future anniversary must be a good option. In those happy moments, one can easily upgrade the ring without even making anyone feel bad about it.
What About Openness?
What about an ideal relationship? If two people are willing to spend their life with each other and they are unable to share their true feelings about small things like a ring, then are they really compatible? Is it right to start a relationship with lies? Or is it right to compromise on the very first step they take towards their life together?