Matter Out Of Hands
Su was thinking about what step should be taken, meanwhile, she went to feed Little Black and the situation slipped out of her hands. She freaked out and even though she knew that she has unknowingly conducted a crime, she called the local police and the animal rescue team too.
Local Authorities
The authorities of the Yiliang County Forest Public Security Bureau reached to her home as quickly as possible and after looking at Little Black they knew that Su wasn’t lying. Su knew that domesticating a wild animal was a serious crime and that she was big trouble now but she had to save her kids from the threat of living with a bear in their backyard.
Facing The Truth
“I am a little scared of bears,” Su accepted while giving her statement to the police officers. She admitted that she couldn’t understand that Little Black was actually a bear cub, not a pup. They informed her what she knew that it was prohibited to domesticate wild animals and that she had violated the laws and regulations as per forest public security propaganda.
Little Black Was A Bear
When the authorities walked inside the backyard, Little Black was busy eating his routine meals. They immediately told the family that it was an Asiatic Black Bear. That’s how the family finally got to know what species they have been petting all these years.
How It All Happened
Su later recalled, “At the time, it was said that it was only a small Tibetan mastiff. After taking it home, it has been used as a Tibetan mastiff. Later, the bigger the bigger the more, the more like a black bear.” But what was a bear cub doing on the beachside?
Asiatic Black Bear
Asiatic Black Bears are specifically found in parts of Asia and that’s all. This species is Omnivorous and have a thick brownish or blackish fur. There just one thing that makes them easily identifiable.