Informing The Parents
It turned out that the police already told the parents about the situation. The family was eagerly waiting for the miracle call and the police told them that they are needed at the police station as soon as possible. They rushed to the police station to see their son who went through a lot in the past few days.
Tim Was Happy
In the end, everything went according to the plan and Tim was now relieved that he was able to help the little boy. From the very moment, the duo entered the bus his gut feeling told him something wasn’t right. We don’t know what it was, his gut feeling or intuition of a father, he was able to spot that something was wrong.
Family Reunites
Tim was also at the police station and could see the family reunion with their lost kid. Kid’s mother was in tears and the father didn’t leave his son’s hand for a second was kissing him all over the face. It was a very emotional moment for everybody. We can’t even imagine what this innocent kid would have gone through at this stage of his life. We pray that he overcomes this episode of his life.
A Heroic Act
Not just the parents and the police but the whole city was proud of Tim and his heroic actions that saved a kid’s life. It was Tim’s excellent memory, fatherly instinct, and sound judgment that made all of this possible. As they say, it is a small world but when something like this takes place, even the small world looks like a vast place.
Story Worth Sharing
The story was soon reported in every local newspaper and news channels and Tim didn’t even realize that he was now a celebrity. When he was interviewed by a local news channel he just said, “I feel I just did what any father would do.” We all should feel proud of Tim because not all superheroes wear capes.
Trust Your Gut
People who read this story couldn’t thank him enough and everyone applauded Tim’s action. Some even called Tim a hero. Life is very unpredictable and where it would put us next, we have no idea about that. Tim’s life was changed the moment this duo entered the bus. Tim even said we should always trust our guts as it’s never wrong.