Approaching His Target
Tim calmly and slowly started the search. He kept telling people there was no need to worry as it’s just a normal search of somebody’s belongings. Tim’s main motive was to get as close as he could to the boy to have a better look at the boy. The guy and this little kid were sitting in the middle and it was his only chance to see if this boy was the same boy who went missing from the library or had he made a very grave mistake?
Is It Him?
Tim was checking under the seat where this guy and little kid were sitting. While it seemed like he was searching for the bag to other passengers he was checking out the attire the boy was wearing. And the boy was wearing a blue shirt, plaid shorts, and red crocs just like the boy about whom Tim had read in the morning newspaper. Tim was now sure that it was the same boy and the other guy is a kidnapper who took this 3-year-old kid from the library. What Tim did next changed everything…
Before it’s Too Late
After the search was completed, Tim became sure about the little kid’s identity. He returned to his seat and started planning his next step. He knew if he would try to take actions all by himself then there was a possibility that things could go a wrong way. But then he decided not to proceed and meanwhile he came up with a brilliant idea.
Master Plan
The man and the boy were sitting in the middle, and the bus was filled with passengers. The sound engine was also loud and when Tim saw the man through the rearview mirror he saw him looking outside of the window lost in his own thoughts. Tim saw this as an amazing opportunity. Though he was really scared, with his trembling hands he picked up the phone and made the call.
Alerting the Police
While he drove the bus he was also calling up the police. He told them about the situation and asked for their help and how he should proceed further. The description he told the police perfectly matched with the information police had on the boy. Police was quick to think on their feet and responded to the situation as soon as possible.
Follow The Instruction
The police told Tim about the plan and instructed him what he should do next. He listened very carefully. Although he was quite anxious about the plan still, he kept his calm and was ready to help the little boy and the police in any way he can. It was the determination to save the boy which kept him going.