Calling The Manager

When the clerk realized that Teri will not budge, he had to call the manager of the store to talk to her. The manager took one look at the painting and said he was okay with selling it for $5. Teri felt great about her little purchase and was giddy with excitement. 

Little Present

With the help of workers of the store Teri saddled the painting into her pickup truck. She drove straight to her friend’s house and parked her truck carefully. She walked to the front door and knocked repeatedly with a huge grin on her face. Her friend answered the door with a confused look. Teri told her she got her a “little present” and dragged her to the truck.

Friend’s Reaction

The minute her friend’s eyes rested on the massive painting loaded on Teri’s truck her eyes widened in surprise. Her first thought was “Where am I going to put this thing?” but of course she didn’t want to offend Teri so her reply was, “oh thank you for thinking of me, it’s beautiful. Let’s take it inside.” 

Small Door

Both of them got to work. They started the process of taking it inside the house. By the time they reached the door, they were both looking at each other with puzzled expressions. The painting was bigger than the door, it couldn’t pass through. 

Coming Clean

Seeing the look on her friend’s face and the situation they were in, Teri decided to come clean. She burst out laughing and told her friend that this was just a prank. She got it as a joke and she wouldn’t be hurt if her friend threw away the painting. She just wanted to make her laugh. To her relief, it worked. 

Getting Rid Of It

Now that Teri had come clean and the joke was over, they had to decide how to get rid of the painting because it wouldn’t even fit through the door. They began to think of all the different possibilities. They didn’t want to destroy it, Teri did buy it to make her friend happy, for whatever it’s worth.