A Sensitive Condition

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An electromyogram (EMG) is a helpful means to judge the severity of the damage. This test makes use of electrical impulses to clarify whether the nerves are functioning or not. Treating arachnoiditis is quite a challenge. Since the area that surrounds the spinal cord is quite delicate, even a tiny damage could have serious consequences.

What About Surgery?

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Surgery helps but it is mostly not recommended. Surgery may not always be effective and could even expose the spine to possible further damage. Even if in case a surgery is effective, the benefits are usually short lived.
Most doctors often try managing symptoms using a variety of techniques that could result in a temporary but effective outcome.

Physical Therapy

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Quite a number of physical therapy techniques may assist in easing the pain and prevent further damage. Exercise therapy helps to strengthen the muscles and to manage the pain. Massage may relief muscle tension causing pain, while water therapy temporarily relieves nerve pain. For temporary relieving of inflammation, hot and cold patches are used. Pain medications like non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID), steroid drugs, and narcotic pain medications, such as opioids are also commonly used.

Nerve Stimulation

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Some treatments that work on the nerves or spinal cord and may not need medication. Two techniques are:
Spinal cord stimulation: This technique makes use of a device that sends an electrical signal directly to the spinal cord that results in pain relief.
Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS): Much like the spinal cord stimulator, a TENS unit sends electricity to the painful area to reduce pain and have a progress in movement.

Psychological Support

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Living with chronic pain is indeed a challenge. Therapy may help to alter the thought process of the ones affected regarding their pain and give emotional support. Support groups for people having rare diseases have also proven to help a lot. These groups tend to come up with new resources, share effective lifestyle remedies, and also keep the sick from feeling lonely

Alternative Remedies

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There are also many people who find alternative remedies to work for them. This includes acupuncture, diet and lifestyle changes, or homeopathic medicine. More research work has to be done so as to determine that effects of these alternative remedies. There is no clear understanding of how good these remedies are for treating people with arachnoiditis.