No Use Now
In America, then President of America, Washington asked what was the use of ice houses now, to which Robert Morris replied, “The Door for entering this Icehouse faces the north, a Trap Door is made in the middle of the Floor through which the Ice is put in and taken out. I find it best to fill with Ice which as it is put in should be broke into small pieces and pounded down with heavy Clubs or Battons such as Pavers use, if well beat it will after a while consolidate into one solid mass and require to be cut out with a Chizell or Axe. I tried Snow one year and lost it in June. The Ice keeps until October or November and I believe if the Hole was larger so as to hold more it would keep until Christmas.”
Capital Was Moved
President John Adams lost the benefit of the ice-house when the Washinton DC became the new capital of the United Staes in 1800. In his diary, he wrote, “snow gives the most delicate flavor to creams, but ice is the most powerful concealer, and lasts longest.”