Condiment Shooter

It’s time to put an end to that frustrating tradition of banging the side of a ketchup bottle. Why not dispense your condiments in true “wild west” style with these condiment shooters? It’s all fun and games at the dinner table with these great utensils.
Bottle Opener Ring

Who among us hasn’t been at a house party or picnic, and suddenly we realize we’re in need of a bottle opener? Problem solved with ZRAMO’s ring bottle opener. Just don’t tell strangers what it is. They’ll probably think you have a problem.
Grooved Spaghetti Forks

How frustrating is it when you’re eating pasta and you twirl and twirl and twirl your fork, only to end up with one freaking string of spaghetti on it? Well, bye bye frustrations! These grooved spaghetti forks are the answers to your pasta-loving prayers.
Water Sterilizer/Air Purifier for Your Fresh Foods

Sounds like a dream come true for germaphobes! The WSTA Ozone Generator Purifier and Water Sterilizer is the perfect appliance to get rid of bacteria, germs, pesticides, and other harmful agents that can be on foods, fruits, or your baby’s toys.
Laser Bike Lane

For bike commuters worried about car safety, there’s a cool solution. This bike light creates a “bike lane” for drivers, showing them how close they are to you. Bright LEDs offer extra security on your ride home from work, so you can pedal with peace of mind.
Face-Lift Tightener

This odd-looking invention may seem a bit strange, but it’s meant to help fight wrinkles and tone your face. The lip-shaped mold, called the Face Slimmer, comes with clear instructions. All you do is wear it for 3 minutes daily and move your mouth while saying vowel sounds like AEIOU. This exercise strengthens your facial muscles and can make your face look more youthful. Even TV hosts like Hoda Kotb and Kathy Lee Gifford have tried it on air – it’s a fun way to give it a go!