Likes And Dislikes
We usually think that the conjoined twins have the same likes and dislike but the reality is not like that. These twins are very different from each other carrying different personalities, having different color choices, foods, and yeah, of course, dressing style. As they say, your clothes explain a lot about your personalities the two conveys their different personalities by donning different clothes. In order to have a dress going well with their personality, they even have hired a seamstress who has designed custom neckline that gives a different touch to their style.
Taste buds
The twins are ruled by different taste buds. While out or at home they order different foods. Though their body is one though have their own stomach so evidently one plate is not enough for them. They have many differences when it comes to food. Whereas one likes spicy food the other prefer less spicy. Their likes or dislikes are vastly different when it is about culinary.
Needless to say, their birthday is a double celebration for the family. Both the girls enjoy their birthday a lot and have a separate cake for themselves. They have different flavor choices as well. We don’t know what flavor do they like but if we go by the picture it seems that the one girl likes vanilla and the other prefers chocolate over any other flavor.
As Separate Individuals
Though the twins share the same body they have always been seen as separate individuals by their family and friends. They also take themselves as separate individuals, for instance, buy two tickets for the movie and with that they also have two driving licenses. They order different meals at the restaurant and wears clothes of their own choice.
Joined For Life
In 2002, they made another appearance on TV with another documentary called “Joined for Life” by Advanced Medical Productions. The documentary was distributed on the Discovery Health Channel. The documentary was followed by another documentary called Joined at Birth. After that in 2006, Advance Medical filmed another documentary on them called Joined for Life: Abby & Brittany turn 16. The documentary covered their social life, adolescence, school and other activities.
The girls had another opportunity awaiting them when they completed their sixteenth year. TLC approached them to make a documentary on their lives. Abby and Britanny gave their node to the offer without giving it a second thought. The documentary on these extraordinary girls was a success! After the success of the documentary, TLC came up with a full-fledged show on the girls. However, the show had only eight episodes and one season.