More Surprises
But the surprises did not come to an end here. There was a story that was to be uncovered yet. The place where Massey had first found the hoard and now the ring was not an ordinary place but a place where once a “very high-status Roman villa” stood.
High Profile Ring
The ring which is supposed to belong to someone who held a very high status in the Roman empire is now taken care of by the authorities and the experts in London. The ring is now in the hands of the officials of the British Museum.
Several Secrets
Even after numerous secrets have been revealed about that ring, several secrets remain hidden concerning the ownership and the identity of the person to whom this ring belonged and its significance and these mysteries are expected to be solved soon.
Real Value
One of the major information that has been deciphered by the experts about the ring is that the ring was probably made between 200 to 300 A.D and that too for someone important. But Massey was determined to find out the real value of his findings.
A Veteran
Jason Massey was a part of the British armed forces at the end of the 20th century. Massey always had a knack for finding out things and he was always interested in myths and legends about the lost or hidden treasures.
A Search Group
The curiosity he had for the lost and hidden items and artifacts made him join the group “Detecting for Veterans”, a group whose main target was to find out hidden and buried lost treasures and things and this is what inspired Massey to start searching for things in his free time.