A Careful Burial
The researchers also found that the stash has been buried with a lot of care and whosoever was responsible for burying it wasn’t in a hurry at all. He did his job and took a great amount of time and because of that the treasure was still intact and some of the artifacts could be seen as new. The archeologists also discovered some silver spoons inside the hoard that tells them about the family which was rich. Some of the items even showed signs of repairment and others were just marked with words.
The Pepper Pot
The pepper pot which archeologists found in the treasure was formed in the shape of a woman and had holes in the base of the pot which allowed the pepper to be shaken out. There was some residue of the pepper too in the pot which was traded from India telling them about the family who owned the pot, the family was wealthy and must have been involved in the trade.
The Old Fashion
According to Johns, the hairstyle of the pepper pot lady also had some beautifying pins that looked like a tiara which seemed to hold a thick long hair. The jewelry which was found inside the hoard was believed to be of women in the family. Including thick chains and rings with beautiful gemstones, one bracelet, in particular, caught everybody’s attention, which had a text written over it saying, “utere felix domina Iuliane” —“use this and be happy, Lady Juliane.”
Aurelius Ursicinus And Silvicola
The inscriptions “Aurelius Ursicinus” and Silvicola” could be seen written on several of the objects. And many objects had a Latin phrase written, “vivas in deo.” The experts also found the text written on most of the spoons that were easy to read and was written from the right-handed position. One of the spoons was made for a leftie. Not only the spoons but there were several other artifacts that caught these researcher’s attention. But who was the owner of this treasure, scientists have a theory that could be true?
Aurelius And Juliane?
These researchers believe Aurelius and Juliane were the owners of this beautiful treasure. But nothing could be said for sure as they could also belong to one of their ancestors. The Hoxne treasure being the largest ever found is still surrounded by mystery. There is a story behind it, unfortunately, the experts have no idea what that story could be but we believe when it would be out thing won’t remain the same and the mystery would finally be solved.