
Image result for condom
Condoms are effective in controlling STDs and are easily available in the market. But there are chances of things going wrong with this method of birth control. Condoms are prone to breaking, tearing or slipping off while in use. Sometimes couples are not even aware of the breakage of the condoms. 

Decreased Sensitivity

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The most common complaint that couples usually make is that condoms interfere with sexual activity. For both men and women, there is a decrease in sensitivity during intercourse. The time taken to put the condom on can also interrupt the foreplay. 

Female Condoms

A female condom is like a pouch made of polyurethane or latex which fits inside the vagina; it basically works in the same way as a male condom but its effectiveness is 79%. That means 21 out of 100 women can get pregnant if they use female condoms. 

Tubal Ligation

Image result for Tubal Ligation
Tubal ligation is female sterilization and should be given a lot of thought as it is a permanent contraceptive. Only women who are sure they do not want children at all or are unable to carry a child should consider going for this method. It has a 99% success rate.


Image result for Tubal Ligation
For this method, the woman would need to have a surgery. There are no side effects as such, just that it is an expensive method and can cost from $1000-$2500. The only problem is that it does not protect against Sexually Transmitted  Diseases. 

Hormone Patch

The hormone patch is like a band-aid worn on the skin. It has hormones similar to those of birth control pills but the absorption rate is 60% higher than birth control pills, hence some women prefer it over birth control pills. One patch can work for at least a week.