Elephants As Pals
And indeed that jungle was a place where there were little to no kids around. And to be quite truthful, Tippi did not have so many people to play with when it came down to humans her age at the jungle. This would have definitely been a huge problem for most kids, but not her. You see, she did not have issues because the wild animals were enough for her.
Unaware Of Other Kids
Since she grew up in the jungle, she was not aware of how a human kid was supposed to behave or what they enjoy. Tippi had a special upbringing where every day was an adventure that most of us only get to watch or read about. The other kids in the big city must have had their own versions of fun, but how was she to know? She was still content with her friends from the jungle.
Into The Wild
So how did her parents take all this experience? Surely, they must have sometimes been scared and fearful for their baby girl when she got too close to the animals. “She was a lucky little girl. She lived in the wild until she was ten years old. It was just the three of us along with all the animals. We did not have much contact with other people” explained Tippi’s parents.
Were They Irresponsible?
There are some folks who believe that the parents were foolish to keep their daughter so close to danger, that they would not have been able to help if the animals unexpectedly snap. So, do you agree that her parents were irresponsible to keep her exposed to tigers and elephants? Should they have been more aware of the fact that something tragic could have happened…
Dangerous Animals
For someone who has never been in the wild or rather spend time with this family in the wild, it would clearly be easy to point fingers. Tippi’s parents were criticized for keeping their baby girl in the face of so many vicious animals. But, although Tippi’s life seems to be in danger in some of these pictures, this could not have been more inaccurate…
Not What They Seem
For someone who by chance came across these photographs of Tippi posing with animals of the wild, it must be easy to judge. But her parents say every photo they took of Tippi, the animals in the frame were tamed. It was not random animals that they spontaneously placed their kid with. They were residing with some locals there so there were always people around…