Rory was again set under medication. To the doctors’ surprise, the intake of medicine was showing some results. After two months of rehabilitation, Rory was allowed to go home. As he was recovering day by day, he eventually got to know the fact that he was not Matthew McConaughey.
Rory was a footballer back then. He could not go back and start playing the game as he used to play. He is advised not to get indulge in any kind of heavy exercise, so, he is restricted to play football. He developed entirely different interest, that is haircutting.
“This Morning”
Rory’s fantastic story went viral worldwide, hence, he was called up for an interview with a British Television program named “This Morning”. Rory, along with his parents went there and discussed what so ever happened to him.
The News
In an interview with Daily News, Rory stated, ”I can’t explain how it happened. It’s incredible really. I don’t remember coming round but my family said one of the nurses was from Africa and spoke French and I was having conversations with her. I was just casually chatting away about how I was feeling in this perfect French accent.” That was the turning point for Rory’s life.
Not Updated
Rory revealed that he did not remember the events that took place in his life 3-4 years before the accident. He said, ”I’d ask Mum if she’d fed our dog but he’d died three or four years before. As soon as she said that I cried, too. Then my memory clicked in and I thought, ‘Oh yeah, what was that all about?”.
The Recovery
Curtis explained that he has gone through a lot and shared his experience. He was not able to do trivial stuff like making a line. He stated, “they’d ask me to do simple things like draw a line from A to B and I’d be thinking, ‘Are you serious?’ Then I’d find it really difficult”. He added, “it was like my brain was playing catch-up with my hand”.