In The Interview
In an interview with The Dodo, Suelen said, ‘I thought, “How beautiful that she did that for her friend.” During the interview, Lana was so happy to see the interviewers that she couldn’t stop running. Waving her tail all around the house, the interviewers felt really happy to see her like that.
We Can Learn From Anywhere
After this incident, there is one thing that we can learn from it. There is goodness everywhere. We should always try to see good and do good if we can. What Lana did that day was extremely beautiful that showed us what a beautiful this world is of ours. Lane helped her own kind and we, humans, should also try to help our kind. One act of kindness can change a person’s life.
Kind-Hearted Dog
Lana taught her parents a very beautiful and long lost lesson about life. Although the stray dog on the other side of the fence was a bit timid and due to which the Schaumloeffel couldn’t get near him, still, they continued to leave the food and water for him. And at the end of the day, the dog had the blanket to keep him warm.
Not So Friendly
Though Suelen has been leaving food and water for the stray dog for a while now, still, the dog runs away from her every time she tries to approach him. Suelen hopes that one day, the homeless pooch might find a home of its own.
Part Of The Family
Lana visits the stray dog on a daily basis. Though the fence doesn’t allow them to meet each other still they stay together. Both of them waving their tail from each other’s side made her day. Just by thinking about the incident we couldn’t imagine what all Lana would have gone through that made her help the dog.
The Nicest Dog Ever!
Lana’s life on the streets taught her how to survive the worst. When she saw that one of her own kind was going through a difficult phase she did what she felt right. “She is the nicest little dog I’ve ever met. We forget sometimes the difference we can make in someone’s life. She reminded me of this,” said Suelen.