The Routine
Lana curled up all night in the blanket with the stray dog who used to lay on the other side became a routine. Suelen was worried about Lana. She was worried about Lana’s health. When Suelen thought it was getting out of her hand, she stopped her from sleeping outside. Suelen could see that Lana wasn’t happy.
Changes In Lana
During the day, it was okay for Suelen. Lana was allowed to roam outside on the other side of the fence, but she wasn’t allowed to stay out in the night. Lana used to sit at the door waiting for Suelen to open it. Suelen could tell by just looking at Lana’s face how much she wanted to go out to visit her friend. But it was necessary.
Night Time Whining
After few a few nights when Lana realized that her mother has stopped standing her out in the night, she used to make crying sounds. She used to sit near the front door every night, but she had to give up because nothing was working for her. Suelen didn’t want her to get sick, that’s all.
A Very Valuable Lesson
Suelen decided to show the world what a gem Lana was and what she did was something out of this world. She helped her own kind by this act of hers. She helped the other dog when he needed the most. She shared the picture on the internet and soon the story was viral. People couldn’t believe that a dog was able to do such a thing. But the post of Suelen had a very important which she wanted to convey with the whole world.
Generosity & Compassion
Generosity and compassion, we sometimes forget that we are still capable of showing it. In our busy lives, we forget to show people these little but meaningful things because of the rat race in which we are caught up for the rest of our lives. But Suelen was reminded about the act of generosity and kindness when her pet Lana gave her own blanket to the stray dog. “My best four-legged friend reminded me of something so important: generosity!” said Suelen.
Media Wanted To Meet
The post was viral. People were reading about it and couldn’t stop appreciating the act of kindness. People also read the message Suelen wanted to convey. Soon, the local media caught the wind of the story. They wanted to meet the family. They wanted to share the story with everybody.